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welcome to vp44 at neocities

keep this one bookmarked nerds

real china

[taiwan best country]

who is this vp44

  • digital creator. perpetual exister.

  • the blur between perception and reality.

  • if you would like more info about me see here

how to contact the vp44?

  • preferred method of contact is through email (vaporpepsi44 at gmail.com)

the latest:

dec 21 2023

hi im not dead.. STILL!
i'll make another blog post soonish probably
made some miscellaneous changes, i plan on doing housekeeping
thought of updating everything to the VPS/VPRA style
but i kinda like this oldfashioned vibe so im keeping it

latest blog

"Why you should own both digital and analog music"

an adventure into hidden youtube aggravations

stress button